How can communities, particularly colleges/ universities increase recycling and affect positive change in their communities and beyond?
Please explore our website to learn more about implementing the Bottle Bill, becoming a redemption center, and incentivizing recycling.
It's estimated that beverage containers compose 40-60% of litter.
“According to industry estimates, one-third of beverages are consumed on the go—away from the home recycling bin and often in places where recycling is not available. The refundable deposit helps ensure that these containers are saved and recycled.”
It's up to all of us to combat our increasing creation of waste.
Bottle Bills, which are bills requiring a refund of 5-15 cents per bottle returned for recycling, are one way we can fight back.

“Seven states reported a reduction of beverage container litter ranging from 70 to 83 percent, and a reduction in total litter ranging from 30 to 47 percent after implementation of the bottle bill. High recycling rates were also achieved."

And we need your help.
Click here to download our instructions for rallying